The army of Rzeczpospolita is moving from the city Kostroma to the village Domnino. Two hetmans, Stefan and Konstantin, lead the army.
Stefan procured the roadmap of Kostroma province, and every night he routes the army from one village to the other along some road. Konstantin bought the map of secret trails between villages in advance, and every day he leads the march along the one of such trails. Each hetman asks their guide Ivan Susanin for a route before each march.
The length of each road is indicated on Stefan’s map. So Stefan knows the minimal distance from each village to the Domnino village according to his map. Similarly Konstantin knows the minimal distance from each village to Domnino village along trails on his map.
Ivan Susanin does not want to be disclosed as a secret agent, so each time he chooses a road (for Stefan) or a trail (for Konstantin) so, that the minimal distance to the Domnino village according to the map owned by the asking hetman is strictly decreasing.
Help Ivan to find the longest possible route to the Domnino village.
The first line contains three integer numbers [latex]n, s[/latex] and [latex]t[/latex] — number of villages in Kostroma province, and numbers of start and Domnino village [latex](2 \le n \le 1000; 1 \le s; t \le n)[/latex]. Villages are numbered from [latex]1[/latex] to [latex]n[/latex]. Start and Domnino villages are distinct.
Two blocks follow, the first one describing Stefan’s map, and the second one describing Konstantin’s map.
The first line of each block contains an integer number [latex]m[/latex] — the number of roads/trails between villages [latex](n-1 \le m \le 100000)[/latex]. Each of the following [latex]m[/latex]lines contains three integer numbers [latex]a, b[/latex], and [latex]l[/latex] — describing the road/trail between villages [latex]a[/latex] and [latex]b[/latex] of length [latex]l[/latex] [latex](1 \le a, b \le n; 1 \le l \le 10^6)[/latex].
Rzeczpospolita army can move in any direction along a road or a trail. It’s guaranteed that one can travel from any village to any other using each of the maps. The army starts its movement in the evening from the village number and moves one road each night and one trail each day.
Output the total length of the longest route that Ivan Susanin can arrange for Rzeczpospolita army before reaching the Domnino village (along the roads and trails). If Ivan Susanin can route the army forever without reaching the Domnino village, output the number «[latex]-1[/latex]».
№ | Input | Output |
1 | 5 1 5 5 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 3 1 3 4 1 5 3 1 4 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 1 2 5 2 |
-1 |
2 | 3 1 3 4 1 2 10 2 3 10 1 3 20 2 3 30 4 2 1 10 1 3 10 1 1 10 2 3 10 |
20 |
The problem has been resolved together with Sploshnov Kirill.
So, we are dealing with a rather cumbersome task for the graphs, therefore we analyze it consistently. To get started we define the data structure
1 2 3 4 5 |
struct Route { int color; unsigned int to; unsigned int length; }; |
because dealing with the routes and subsequently, we will have to color our edges. For convenience, we don’t think about two maps as about different graphs, and can establish one graph, where edges of each map are painted in a different color.
For example edges of first map color in RED, and the other in BLUE. Then select the first map is equivalent to passing by red edges, or blue otherwise. In this way, route, that we are looking for, should be based on the successively alternating colors of the edges.
Proceed directly to the solution.
From the condition is understandable, that each hetman knows the shortest path to the final village. This data will be needed for us too, so for each map (edges of the same color) use Dijkstra’s algorithm and find the shortest path from each vertex to the target. (Function
void djikstra(vector<Route>* graph, int* distancesInColoredGraph, unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, int finishVertex, int color); ). We need absolutely standard Dijkstra’s algorithm with the only difference that the edges of the opposite color aren’t available. You can learn more about Dijkstra’s algorithm in the sources of information listed at the end of the article.
Continue analyzing the condition, we understand, that we can’t pass over the edges so, that the shortest distance to the final vertex increased. This will help us to simplify the graph, and significantly reduce the number of possible variants of passage, namely, any bidirectional edge will be either removed completely or strictly directed. Then, passing on to the edges of the same color in each map, if it doesn’t satisfy the specified condition coloring it as DELETED. (Function
void simplify(vector<Route>* graph, int* distance, unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, int color); ).
Now we can get started with the search for the longest route. There are two options: either there is the longest path, or we can walk along the edges infinitely, if it does not contradict the statement of the problem, that is, in the combined of two maps graph there is a cycle. So we organize checks on acyclic. Now we have the right to pass along the edges only alternating colors at each step. In order to find a cycle, we use vertex coloring, and will explore the graph until we try to treat already colored vertex or not conclude that it is acyclic. (Function
bool cyclicDFS(vector<Route>* graph, int* passedInRedGraph, int* passedInBlueGraph, int currentVertex, int color); ). This algorithm can be obtained after detailed acquaintance with the usual cycle searching algorithm (reference to the source is located at the end of the article). If we find any loop in this graph, then our job is over and we should just output «[latex]-1[/latex]».
Otherwise, make sure that the graph is acyclic, we are looking for the longest route. As our graph has been simplified and has no cycles, and all edges are directed, then the task of finding this way becomes computationally simple. For this declaring an array of longest distance dynamically, along the way memorizing the already calculated values, sequentially find the maximum length of the route until we arrive at the finish village. (Function
int maxDistDFS(vector<Route>* graph, int* maxDistancesInRedGraph, int* maxDistancesInBlueGraph, int currentVertex, int color) ). This will be the answer to the task.
Rest details of the implementation can be found in the code of the program or in the sources of information listed at the end of the article.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 |
#include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define DELETED -1 #define WHITE 0 #define GREY 1 #define BLACK 2 #define RED 3 #define BLUE 4 #define MAX_INT 2147483647 using namespace std; // The structure, describing the roads/trails struct Route { int color; unsigned int to; unsigned int length; // Constructor by destination, length and color of edge Route(unsigned int to, unsigned int length, int color) { this->to = to; this->color = color; this->length = length; } }; /* Function implements ordinary Dijkstra's algorithm (for all edges of the same color) As a result, an array of distances filled with the minimum distance to each vertex */ void djikstra(vector<Route>* graph, int* distancesInColoredGraph, unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, int finishVertex, int color) { int vertexWithMinDist = -1; bool* passed = new bool[quantityOfAllVertices]; fill(passed, passed + quantityOfAllVertices, false); fill(distancesInColoredGraph, distancesInColoredGraph + quantityOfAllVertices, MAX_INT); distancesInColoredGraph[finishVertex] = 0; for (unsigned int indexOfCurrentVertex = 0; vertexWithMinDist == -1 || indexOfCurrentVertex < quantityOfAllVertices && distancesInColoredGraph[vertexWithMinDist] != MAX_INT; indexOfCurrentVertex++) { vertexWithMinDist = -1; for (unsigned int indexOfVertex = 0; indexOfVertex < quantityOfAllVertices; indexOfVertex++) { if (!passed[indexOfVertex] && (vertexWithMinDist == -1 || distancesInColoredGraph[indexOfVertex] < distancesInColoredGraph[vertexWithMinDist])) { vertexWithMinDist = indexOfVertex; } } passed[vertexWithMinDist] = true; for (unsigned int adjacentVertex = 0; adjacentVertex < graph[vertexWithMinDist].size(); adjacentVertex++) { if (graph[vertexWithMinDist][adjacentVertex].color == color && graph[vertexWithMinDist][adjacentVertex].length + distancesInColoredGraph[vertexWithMinDist] < distancesInColoredGraph[graph[vertexWithMinDist][adjacentVertex].to]) { distancesInColoredGraph[graph[vertexWithMinDist][adjacentVertex].to] = graph[vertexWithMinDist][adjacentVertex].length + distancesInColoredGraph[vertexWithMinDist]; } } } } // Function indicates the edges we don't need as deleted (because we can't pass them) void simplify(vector<Route>* graph, int* distance, unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, int color) { // Note as DELETED routes in which the minimum distance to finish vertex increases, cause we can't walk them on the strength of problem's condition for (unsigned int indexOfCurrentVertex = 0; indexOfCurrentVertex < quantityOfAllVertices; indexOfCurrentVertex++) { for (unsigned int adjacentVertex = 0; adjacentVertex < graph[indexOfCurrentVertex].size(); adjacentVertex++) { if (graph[indexOfCurrentVertex][adjacentVertex].color == color && distance[indexOfCurrentVertex] <= distance[graph[indexOfCurrentVertex][adjacentVertex].to]) { graph[indexOfCurrentVertex][adjacentVertex].color = DELETED; } } } } // Function determines whether you can go in cycle by the edges of alternating colors bool cyclicDFS(vector<Route>* graph, int* passedInRedGraph, int* passedInBlueGraph, int currentVertex, int color) { bool answer = false; // Note processing vertex if (color == RED) { passedInRedGraph[currentVertex] = GREY; } else { passedInBlueGraph[currentVertex] = GREY; } /* Implement ordinary checking on cycle, by coloring graph Treat until we don't determine it is acyclic or try to color vertex that is already colored We should take into account the fact, that each time we alternate the color of the edges */ for (unsigned int adjacentVertex = 0; adjacentVertex < graph[currentVertex].size() && !answer; adjacentVertex++) { if (graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].color == color) { if (color == BLUE && passedInRedGraph[graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to] == GREY || color == RED && passedInBlueGraph[graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to] == GREY) { answer = true; } if (color == RED && passedInBlueGraph[graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to] == WHITE) { if (cyclicDFS(graph, passedInRedGraph, passedInBlueGraph, graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to, BLUE)) { answer = true; } } else if (passedInRedGraph[graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to] == WHITE) { if (cyclicDFS(graph, passedInRedGraph, passedInBlueGraph, graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to, RED)) { answer = true; } } } } // Note processed vertex if (color == RED) { passedInRedGraph[currentVertex] = BLACK; } else { passedInBlueGraph[currentVertex] = BLACK; } return answer; } // Function determines whether there is a suitable cycle in the graph bool isCyclic(vector<Route>* graph, unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, int currentVertex) { int* passedInRedGraph = new int[quantityOfAllVertices]; int* passedInBlueGraph = new int[quantityOfAllVertices]; fill(passedInRedGraph, passedInRedGraph + quantityOfAllVertices, WHITE); fill(passedInBlueGraph, passedInBlueGraph + quantityOfAllVertices, WHITE); return cyclicDFS(graph, passedInRedGraph, passedInBlueGraph, currentVertex, RED); } // Function determines the longest path in the graph by the edges of alternating colors, by finding and memorizing the maximum path to each of the vertices int maxDistDFS(vector<Route>* graph, int* maxDistancesInRedGraph, int* maxDistancesInBlueGraph, int currentVertex, int color) { // Return the length of the path from the current vertex, if it's found already if (color == RED && maxDistancesInRedGraph[currentVertex] != -1) { return maxDistancesInRedGraph[currentVertex]; } if (color == BLUE && maxDistancesInBlueGraph[currentVertex] != -1) { return maxDistancesInBlueGraph[currentVertex]; } int maxDistance = -1; // Initially, we consider the longest path by any negative number for (unsigned int adjacentVertex = 0; adjacentVertex < graph[currentVertex].size(); adjacentVertex++) { /* Recursively find the longest path to the finish vertex We should take into account the fact, that each time we alternate the color of the edges */ if (graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].color == color) { int currentMaxDistance = maxDistDFS(graph, maxDistancesInRedGraph, maxDistancesInBlueGraph, graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].to, color == RED ? BLUE : RED) + graph[currentVertex][adjacentVertex].length; maxDistance = max(maxDistance, currentMaxDistance); } } // Remember the results received in the process of bypassing for later use if (color == RED) { maxDistancesInRedGraph[currentVertex] = maxDistance; } else { maxDistancesInBlueGraph[currentVertex] = maxDistance; } return maxDistance; } // Function returns the longest path in the graph from the start vertex to the finish int getMaxDist(vector<Route>* graph, unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, int startVertex, int finishVertex) { int* maxDistancesInRedGraph = new int[quantityOfAllVertices]; int* maxDistancesInBlueGraph = new int[quantityOfAllVertices]; fill(maxDistancesInRedGraph, maxDistancesInRedGraph + quantityOfAllVertices, -1); fill(maxDistancesInBlueGraph, maxDistancesInBlueGraph + quantityOfAllVertices, -1); maxDistancesInRedGraph[finishVertex] = 0; maxDistancesInBlueGraph[finishVertex] = 0; return maxDistDFS(graph, maxDistancesInRedGraph, maxDistancesInBlueGraph, startVertex, RED); } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); unsigned int quantityOfAllVertices, quantityOfVertices, startVertex, finishVertex, from, to, length; cin >> quantityOfAllVertices >> startVertex >> finishVertex; startVertex--; finishVertex--; // Shift numbering vector<Route>* graph = new vector<Route>[quantityOfAllVertices]; // Stores graph as array of routes for each vertex cin >> quantityOfVertices; while (quantityOfVertices--) { cin >> from >> to >> length; from--; to--; // Shift numbering if (from != to) { // Don't read cycles // Initially, all roads are bidirectional, add symmetrically graph[from].push_back(Route(to, length, RED)); graph[to].push_back(Route(from, length, RED)); } } cin >> quantityOfVertices; while (quantityOfVertices--) { cin >> from >> to >> length; from--; to--; if (from != to) { graph[from].push_back(Route(to, length, BLUE)); graph[to].push_back(Route(from, length, BLUE)); } } int* distancesInRedGraph = new int[quantityOfAllVertices]; // Shortest distances from each vertex to the final by red edges int* distancesInBlueGraph = new int[quantityOfAllVertices]; // Shortest distances from each vertex to the final by blue edges djikstra(graph, distancesInRedGraph, quantityOfAllVertices, finishVertex, RED); // Find and remember the shortest path by the red edges djikstra(graph, distancesInBlueGraph, quantityOfAllVertices, finishVertex, BLUE); // Find and remember the shortest path by the blue edges simplify(graph, distancesInRedGraph, quantityOfAllVertices, RED); // Note red edges which we can't pass, so that later they don't take into account simplify(graph, distancesInBlueGraph, quantityOfAllVertices, BLUE); // Note blue edges which we can't pass, so that later they don't take into account cout << (isCyclic(graph, quantityOfAllVertices, startVertex) ? -1 : getMaxDist(graph, quantityOfAllVertices, startVertex, finishVertex)) << endl; return 0; } |
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