#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class TYPE> class segments_tree
TYPE *SegmentTree;
size_t base_capacity = 0;
TYPE neutral;
Type of elements in the tree.
SegmentTree: (pointer)
Array-based tree of elements.
base_capacity: (unsigned integer value)
Parental array size, rounded to the closest upper power of 2.
g: (pointer)
Pointer to the funtion (associative binary operation), applied on the given array of elements.
WARNING: The given function must be associative. The monoidal structure of the tree will be ruined otherwise.
neutral: (array element)
The value of element, which is neutral relatively to "g" function.
returns value on segment [l, r];
TYPE result_on_segment_in
size_t v, size_t tl,
size_t tr, size_t l,
size_t r
if (l > r) return neutral;
else if (l == tl && r == tr) return SegmentTree[v];
size_t tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
return g(result_on_segment_in(v*2, tl, tm, l, min(r,tm)),
result_on_segment_in(v*2+1, tm+1, tr, max(l,tm+1), r));
- fills the unused space of array (which appears due to rounding of size of parental array)
with neutral elements.
- assigns the necessary values to the upper "vertexes" of the tree.
void make_monoid_and_fill_rest(TYPE *NewTree, const size_t &n, TYPE f(TYPE, TYPE), const TYPE &neutr)
g = f;
neutral = neutr;
for(size_t i = base_capacity+n; i < 2*base_capacity; ++i)
NewTree[i] = neutral;
for(size_t i = base_capacity-1; i > 0; --i)
NewTree[i] = g(NewTree[2*i], NewTree[2*i+1]);
SegmentTree = NewTree;
Rounds base_capacity of the base array to closest upper power of 2.
void fix_capacity(const size_t &base_array_size)
for (base_capacity = 1; base_capacity < base_array_size; base_capacity <<= 1);
n - amount of elements in the parental array;
lb - binary logarithm.
Lowest level of the tree - parental array (segment of elements, which is a base of the tree)
and (if exists) unused space, filled with neutral elements.
Constructs the tree by copying elements of [begin; end) memory block into the segment tree,
and by building tree's structure using the given binary operation "f" and its neutral element "neutr".
Complexity: O(n).
void construct(const TYPE *begin, const TYPE *end, TYPE f(TYPE, TYPE), const TYPE neutr)
size_t base_size = end - begin;
TYPE *NewTree = new TYPE[base_capacity*2];
for(size_t i = 0; i < base_size; ++i)
NewTree[base_capacity+i] = begin[i];
make_monoid_and_fill_rest(NewTree, base_size, f, neutr);
Constructs the tree by filling with it with elements, created by "preprocessing_function",
and by building tree's structure using the given binary operation "f" and its neutral element "neutr".
This method is useful for creating tree by giving preprocessing_function an ability to read
the data from the incoming stream, if the separate memorisation of the base array is not needed.
Complexity: O(n).
void read_and_construct(const size_t amount_of_elements, TYPE preprocessing_function(), TYPE f(TYPE, TYPE), const TYPE neutr)
TYPE *NewTree = new TYPE[base_capacity*2];
for(size_t i = 0; i < amount_of_elements; ++i)
NewTree[base_capacity+i] = preprocessing_function();
make_monoid_and_fill_rest(NewTree, amount_of_elements, f, neutr);
Assigns new value to the element of base array with given index.
Complexity: O(lb(n))
void assign(const size_t index, const TYPE new_value)
SegmentTree[base_capacity+index] = new_value;
for (size_t i = (base_capacity+index)/2; i > 0; i /= 2)
SegmentTree[i] = g(SegmentTree[2*i], SegmentTree[2*i+1]);
Returns value of operation on the given segment of parental array.
Complexity: O(lb(n)).
TYPE result_on_segment (size_t l, size_t r)
return result_on_segment_in(1, 0, base_capacity-1, l, r);
int sum(int a, int b)
return a+b;
int main()
return 0;
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